Non-Dutch Job Openings

  • Data & Analytics


  • €1.500 Persoonlijk opleidingsbudget
  • 26 vakantiedagen
  • 10,5% toeslag op je bruto maandsalaris

Thank you for visiting this page.  

At the moment, there are few or no open positions available that do not require proficiency in the Dutch language.  
If you do speak Dutch, you can find our current job openings at our Dutch website 

What do your colleagues say?

Rob - Informatieanalist bij FAN Data & Analytics
"Ons model wordt nu dagelijks op strategisch en tactisch niveau gebruikt"

Rob - Informatieanalist at FAN Data & Analytics
“Our model is now used daily at strategic and tactical levels.”

Britt - Data & Analytics Consultant
"An interest in technology and data is essential if you want to work here."

Anne - DevOps Engineer at DataFAN
"We are increasingly speaking the same language."

Amber - DevOps Engineer at DataFAN
"I want to find new ways to do more with data."

What happens after you apply?


You apply

Is this job opening your dream job? Thank you for applying. We will receive your application and contact you soon.


Phone call

We'd like to get to know you better. We'll schedule an initial meeting. One of our recruiters will contact you by phone.


Second interview

Both sides still satisfied? Then a second interview will be scheduled.


Welcome to the team

Welcome to KPN. Today starts your induction program.

Interested? Send us your application!

Apply through the form

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